Recently there are a lot of woo-ha about 3D printing in Singapore. First we got an American idiot that made headlines for printing a gun, followed by a local start-up that raise almost US$1M for an affordable home 3D printer on Kickstarter. So not surprisingly many message/wrote and ask me what the heck is a 3D printer? Should they get one? Below are some facts I had compiled that you might want to know.

What is 3D printing?
3D printing has been around for >25 years. I started following it as early as 1987 when I was first introduced in a Science Camp organized by Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

3D printer is not the usual paper printer found in most home. 3D printer make parts by depositing layers of plastics to form an object. This object can be a figurine, a replacement part or a tool for your usage. For home users, it is good for printing novelty, like phone case and toys. Advanced users can print their own figurines of themselves, say in Ironman suit.

Wow... it's amazing, right? Sounds so Star Trek ^_^ Well... it is not that straight forward. Learning how to operate the machine is a piece of cake. Probably need less than a day. The hardest part is creating the 3D object. You need some technical skills (example CAD) and creativity, which most don't have (and don't want to admit it).

Next is the finishing. You will see steps. How obvious are the steps depending on the resolution. The best home 3D printer now still have visible steps, even at the best resolution. The higher the resolution the slower it will print. Take a 5" by 5" by 5" toy for example. It will probably take >1hr for low res to >6 hrs for high res (depending on the complexity design).

3D printer refills (filament) are still very costly. It is cheaper to buy a finished phone case off the shelves than to print one yourself. Filaments are largely available overseas for US$30/kg (without freight).

Finally don't be disillusion by the ability between an industrial 3D printer and home 3D printer. They are from different 'planets'.

Which group of people would probably get a 3D printer now?
There are 3 main categories of home users that will get a 3D printer now:
  1. Inventor
  2. R&D
  3. Worshiper
3D printer is useful for home inventor and home fixer. With a 3D printer, you can easily produce your ideas and apply it into reality. These are the people that have creative juices and enjoy thinking on how to make things better. With or without 3D printer, they will reproduce their thoughts into reality.

Rob & Duplicate. Probably the biggest group, made up of largely fake geeks. This group will download, modify or pirate other people work and print; and most of the time claimed it's their ideas. Hoping to get some praises or attention from their love ones or whoever they want to show off to. 

This group owns a 3D printer because others have it and 'I also must have it' mentality. They are likely to treat 3D printer like a deity and worship it in a prominent corner of the house. Hoping every visitors would see it. Nevermind whether is it useful or even know how to operate it.

Not everyone is a 3D artist or an engineer. Even one is an engineer, he/she might not even know how to use CAD. Even he know CAD, he might not be creative. So even we can make 3D printer into every home today, most will end up as a white elephant. At least for now till the next 10 years, we wouldn't see any significant impact of 3D printer to our life.

Some might argue that there will be some idiot software throw in to help them start off. Tell me deep in your heart how many times did you use or even install those free software that come with your normal printer.

Just like everyone owns a photo printer these days, doesn't make everyone a better photographer or script writer. 3D printer still has a long way to go for home users.
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TAN Wei Kok

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